5 steps to create the best Training Video

One of the most popular methods to transmit and consume material is through video. That is not going to change anytime soon. And what is better to share information and your knowledge about anything than with training videos? And now, more than ever, your consumers are looking for videos to solve their problems in the easiest and most effective way.

In fact, 87% of users said YouTube is useful for assisting them in figuring out how to perform tasks they haven’t done before, according to this New Research.

training video production example
training video production company

What is a Training Video?

A training video is a digital video presentation combining audio and visual content to train or educate people. In addition, they are also used to discuss the best practices within an organisation. 

There are endless topics that could be used to film in a training video. For example, a company may decide to film one to induct new employees into the business or to show workplace safety demonstrations.

To avoid losing your audience’s attention, the video shouldn’t be longer than 7 minutes. In fact, if you have many messages to share, we recommend you split up your training into several sessions, which might consist of shorter bite-size videos.

Benefits of filming a Training Video

It is widely known that video works better than text as people see it as a more engaging tool. What’s more, a training video is more cost-efficient than organising an in-person class, especially if you are dealing with audiences located in different cities, countries or time zones. This will help you to avoid travel and accommodation expenses. 

Because it allows you to both demonstrate and explain to viewers what they need to know, video is the perfect way to create how-tos and training videos. Plus, compared to text-only approaches, video is naturally more engaging.

Consider this. Which one do you prefer to do: Would you rather read 10 pages of black-and-white instructions than see a video that demonstrates how to do something precisely? We don’t think so.

Unlike the in-person classes, people can watch training videos when and where they like and as many times as they need. In fact, once filmed they can be used for years and if some updates are needed, you can always hire an editor to modify it. Summing up, training videos provide a higher ROI than any other training method. 

In conclusion, the following are the main advantages of producing training videos:

  • Bring more people to your website
  • Optimise your Google search results
  • Reduce the workload for your tech or customer support staff (if you are doing how-to videos)
  • Elevate user and customer knowledge
  • Expand your company

benefits of online training videos

How can I do a Training Video?

Now we know how important are training videos, we will guide you through the whole process of making them. Below are simple steps you can take in creating your own training videos:

1. Choose a topic

Start by thinking about the message or messages you want to communicate. If needed, look for experts that may help you develop the content. 

What’s more, choosing a topic of interest and significance to your audience is essential since people are exceedingly fast to stop watching videos that don’t offer the necessary information.

In fact, true interest in the subject is what keeps viewers viewing a video for the longest. And in contrast, the main reason people stop watching is that they weren’t receiving the information they were expecting.

You must gain a solid grasp of your audience and their preferences. Take the time to conduct a study to determine the things they are most interested in or in need of assistance with. Adapt your research methods to your audience’s region and size.

2. Type of training video

The structure for your engaging training video is the next stage. You must first consider which resources are available, your timeframe, and the main stakeholder expectations as you begin production on the video.

As we discussed in our previous blog, different types of training videos need varying amounts of time and work to finish.

3. Prepare a script

If you film your video without any preparation, it is likely that you will miss things like having the arrangement of your scene in order, having nice images, and having a compelling message. Nothing is as flawless as it appears in your mind, therefore you must organise these details before documenting anything.

Perhaps the most significant step in the preparation process is to develop a screenplay, or script. Begin a new document and begin writing what you want to communicate. Write around 150 words per video minute and try to use a concise and conversational style. In addition, use simple  language and explain any acronyms if used.

Create a storyboard after scripting. A storyboard is a short drawing or graphic that depicts the visual progression of a video.

recording a training video

4. Rehearse the script

Read the script out loud several times, this will help identify parts that need to be changed. You want to teach your audience new information, so it is key that they clearly understand what you are saying.

5. Additional visuals

As well as the key elements that make a training video, do consider visual aids in terms graphics, animations and illustrations to further enhance your key points.

6. Review your video before publishing it

Furthermore, having additional eyes go over the finished work is the greatest approach to guarantee that there are no errors such as typos or design defects.

When the reviewers have concluded offering feedback, utilise their ideas to build upon your initial video, ticking them off as you answer them in your project. Once you’ve integrated all of the input, repeat the feedback loop, posting the modified version of the video for the second analysis of it.

7. Distribution of your video

Consider where you will distribute the final video. If you wish to freely publish your video, we recommend uploading it to YouTube. YouTube is an excellent source of educational information. However, I f you want it to be accessible just to employees at your firm, you may host it on your help desk, website, or knowledge base.

Will it be password protected, and will it be supported with a questionnaire after the viewer watches it to further reinforce learning has taken place?


You are now more than prepared to create your own training videos! What are you waiting for? Thank you for taking the time to read this blog, we hope you found it interesting,



Contact Impress Video now 

If you would like to do a Training Video with video production and marketing professionals, or any other type of video, we can help you at Impress Video. We make video production for businesses, the ones that impress. Don’t hesitate to contact us here!