Why is it important to use real people in corporate videos?

When deciding on investing to create a corporate video, the first thing that comes to mind is which actor to hire to represent the organisation. However, what if all that process can be skipped and you include one of your stakeholders? Furthermore, what if that person is a current employee? Yes, you read that correctly, today we recommend you to use real people in corporate videos.

Nowadays, people want to see real stories and nothing is better than actually including those inside the corporation. So, this post aims to show why using real people in corporate videos, like your employees, is the greatest strategy. These might range from the company’s founder to customer service representatives and workers, which encompasses all the stakeholders of the company.

How to Include Real People in Your Corporate Videos

1. Origin Stories

It is always a good idea to share your narrative and pay honour to the people who founded your company. It demonstrates to others that you genuinely care about what you do, your principles, and what motivates you.

Moreover, as people are naturally curious, knowing the origins of something, such as a company, will make them more likely to connect with your business. Also, it will increase the current client base as well as approach potential customers.

So, in this case, it would be best to have the founder speak about why he did what he did, or if it is difficult to achieve, to have the oldest workers speak about it and their experience.

real people in corporate video - origin story
Using real people to tell the original story of the corporation

2. Welcome to the company videos

Companies often use training videos to teach their staff since they are one of the most effective teaching methodologies. The reason for this is that they are always available and may be rewatched if they need to better comprehend anything.

These videos begin with a welcome message. With just a simple personal touch like having someone from within the organisation do this, the new employee will feel that he or she is now part of the team.

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Including real people as part of the company’s welcome video

3. Videos about the company’s culture

When a firm contacts us about creating a culture video for their company, they typically want to attract genuine customers and recruits, as well as demonstrate what drives us. So it would be best if they used real people in corporate videos like these.

When companies use actors, sometimes makes the video less approachable and transparent than actually including real company employees. No one can communicate and describe the company’s culture better than them.

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Representing the company’s culture with real people

4. Holiday Greetings

It is good for businesses to demonstrate gratitude to their consumers and even staff during peak seasons such as Christmas, Easter, and Summer. Individuals will appreciate them more if you use employees in them because many of them will probably know them by having worked together. Hence, employees will feel that you care about them and that they are not a number but people, which is the ultimate goal of any business, that employees feel they are a part of the business.



To sum up, speaking directly to an audience through employees, owners, and other non-actors is an excellent use of video. By including real stakeholders, the message will include a sense of honesty and make your company more likeable. Furthermore, it will make your workers engage more with the business and its practices. So, make the most of the video’s ability to generate emotional responses by incorporating a personal appearance.


We hope you enjoyed reading this blog. Thank you for taking the time to read it,

Marta & Sara.


Contact Impress Video now

If you would like to do a Corporate Video with video production and marketing professionals, or any other type of video, we can help you at Impress Video. We make video production for businesses, the ones that impress. Don’t hesitate to contact us here!